Friday, June 11, 2010

Fort William and Scottish dogs

Day 5 of our Highland tour made a stop in the village of Fort William for lunch.  We ducked into The Grog and Gruel to grab some fish and chips, but alas they had not had their fish delivery that day, so we opted for  the burger with chips and the Chicken Pie (in the white dish).  Both dishes were good.  Food rating: 6 -- good food, but not much to write about.

Grace looks like she thinks I ditched her, but I was right across the way waiting for her to come out, so I could take her photo.

It was a sunny day and lots of people were out and about with their dogs.  There is something about Scottish dogs that makes me want to take their photo.  Most are some mixture of terrier and have crazy wire-like whiskers.
This little fella was a fisty little guy. 

And this one was a bit shy.  He turned his head just as I took the shot.

 St. Andrew's Church (the Episcopal Church)
I leave you with this little tidbit.  In a country where most houses and buildings are natural stone, except for the fishing villages where they whitewash the houses to please the sea gods and bring good luck, why would someone paint beautiful metalwork this hideous shade of pink?


  1. The doggies are so cute. The feisty dog looks like he might be saying "Ya wanna piece o' me, huh, do ya?".

  2. Because that person sees the world through rose colored glasses and the pink paint was the highest complement she could pay that beautiful piece of iron!

  3. Hey you went to Cameron land!
