Friday, June 4, 2010

Hector's Pub

Last night, we decided to hit a local pub and toss back a few pints.  Jill suggested we walk down the hill to Hector's, where she says she hung out when she was in college.  So, inspite of tired feet, we set off in search of Hector's.  Jill says not to go in Baillie Pub, but as we pass it, it looks inviting and we wonder what she knows that we don't. 

Hector's is busy on this Thursday night with people stopping to meet up with friends.  We walk through to the back in search of a seat and find the temperature gets warmer and warmer.  The table we find against the back wall is surrounded on two sides by a padded bench and throw pillows.  We sit and wait, but there is no table service, so we move up to the front and find 2 seats at the bar and order a couple of Stella Artois beers.  It is cold and refreshing in this warm pub. 

One of the bartenders in a Raca Wear shirt, has the most unusual dreadlocks.  They are culivated in a most fascinating way.  The hair from the crown of his head sprouts out in dreads, while the bottom is long and flows into dreads down his back.  Grace tries to secretly get his picture, but the flash gives her away.  We notice he is one of the few black people we have seen, and find that odd.

We order a Sharing Menu of mini beef burgers, lamb burgers, crudites (cut up vegetables), chips (French fries), calamari, and hummuus.  It is plenty of food and we like the lamb burgers best.  The chips come chrispy, which is good because in the U.S. I have to specially order them that way.  Food rating:  6....good, but not over the top good.

Soon, two fellas walk in carrying a large aluminium suitcase.  We guess it is a keyboard.  But no, it is a mixing board with two turntables.  Grace and I have a conversation about records and are eager to hear what he will play.  We wait and I comment, "I wonder when he is going to start playing?"  Gracy says, "He already has."  We find that hilarious.  Mr. DJ never does put a record on those turntables and before long we see the sky is turning and we set off to end our day.

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